A Few Things to Do on Any New Moon
Rest! Any form of rest is key. Meditation, relaxation, and any type of activity that quiets the mind. The New Moon is also called a “dark moon'“, and we in many ways should embody its qualities. Become introspective, ponder, and plan ahead for the next cycle in our own quiet time.
Pick up a new hobby, trade, or skill to perfect within the next lunar cycle. It does not have to be severe or difficult. It can be as simple as changing your morning routine. Journaling. Going on a 20 minute walk every evening. Do things that switch up your pattern. The New Moon reminds us to illuminate areas that are ‘hidden’.
Make wishes, petitions, offerings, and get comfortable with a new challenge. Stir up the things in your life that are stagnant, and find ways to make them NEW.
And this bonus idea is simple: Be better to yourself than you were in the last 30 days. Develop healthier habits for your mind, body, and spirit.
I wish you the best, and hope for the highest good to come of your situation!
ZTW 2021