
Whether this is your first time reading, or you are revisiting for another one of my personalized “Year in Review”.  reports.

I appreciate you being here, so hi, and thanks for allowing me to share these insights with you. 

While some open their eyes, it seems others have shut theirs, and we are reaching the culmination of a new age. 

A brief 2024 recap:

2024 brought in the mystique of 8.

 This number in our yearly path is connected to mysticism, success, abundance, and power.  It’s the number of Dharma—what you put in is what you get out, but more so the ACT of doing and practicing. 

The eight worldly concerns in Buddhism 

“Real dharma practice is free from the eight worldly concerns. To review the eight worldly concerns, they are being rich or poor, which could also be described as gain or loss; being powerful or powerless; having a good reputation or a bad reputation; and having pleasure or pain. Usually, we think that happiness comes from wealth, power, popularity, and pleasure, and that these four things will give us everything that we need—we will have “made it.” But from a spiritual point of view, these things are not the answer. Being rich is not a source of happiness, and being poor is not a source of happiness. Being powerful does not bring happiness, and being powerless does not bring happiness. It is the same with being well-known or unknown, and having pleasure or pain. Lasting peace and happiness do not depend on outer conditions; they come from seeing in a clear way. When your mind is focused on any of the eight worldly concerns, whether on the positive side or the negative side, your activities are not following the dharma.[2]

As always, with the numbers,  there’s a duality.

  • Positive 8: Balance, empowerment, building long-term wealth.

  • Negative 8: Greed, overreach, and the destruction that comes from imbalance.

Two Thousand Twenty Four; exposed the cracks in our foundations. The energy of 8 demanded accountability, and as I'm typing this I think of the words, “Deny, Defend, Depose”  and the boiling point in the human experience. We all witnessed the evolution / de-evolution of social media, political formality, and PC culture.. Personally, 2024 felt relentless, a balancing act of reaching for opportunities while patching up broken systems—both in my life and the world around me. Burnout, overextension, and the struggle to "keep up" were universal themes. Yet, alongside challenges we see echoes of history calling back to us from the renaissance on a global scale.  Collectively, 2024 shone a harsh light on inequality and the misuse of power… 

When is enough truly enough?


NINE, The number of completion, reflection, and transformation. I’m excited and nervous, because it's the end of a universal cycle. It’s been eerily in alignment with the astrological Pluto Return, and its themes of  tying up loose ends, facing the darkness, exposing imbalance, and preparing for 2026— which will be a #1 or “year of beginnings”

When you multiply any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit, it always becomes a 9. For example, 6 x 9=54, reduce 54 to a single digit by adding them together: 5 + 4=9. Similarly, 8 x 9=72, and 7 + 2=9. Or 23 x 9=207, 2 + 0 + 7=9, and so forth.

It is the most complex number, because it is GLOBAL. It is the consciousness of all, and anyone with this life path can access it. 

The Tarot associated with A year of 9 is THE HERMIT, and THE MOON.

We feel isolated (like the hermit), because we are called to heal old wounds, and illuminate deeply rooted truths and lies (the moon). 

Listen, this all might come across as another poopy year, but before any revolution, sizable liberation, or renaissance— history teaches us about the uphill struggle that was endured. I don’t know about you, but I am grateful to have been born after the crisis of the middle ages.. Also, fun fact: it began with a series of unfortunate events in Europe, in another (9) year, of 1314… Floods, famine, disease, unrest, and then the people going back to a new humanist approach, and creating the change necessary for the Renaissance. 

The energy of 9 can feel bittersweet. Yes, it can even feel like grief. Loss of what once was, With all the stages in whatever order they come... There’s very known inherent sadness in endings, but also a sense of freedom, for new possibilities.. You should prepare yourself to face harsh truths in 2025. We all have enough experience thanks to 2024. Now that we have had ‘enough’.  Let your wisdom from life experiences, “clear the clutter”— You can be proactive more diligently for 2025 in your actions; in every aspect: emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

  • Your personal relationships, romantically, or platonically are going to go through a revision and decision process. It appears in 2025, or already started moving in the last few months of 2024.  Suddenly becoming conscious, or self aware, like your frontal lobe got an update..

  • Looking inward like a wise hermit and acknowledging your self doubts or limiting beliefs. It sounds like it’s time to say goodbye to someone, or some aspect of yourself that isn’t healing you- once and for all..

  • On a global scale, Mother nature will keep us on our toes. Or is someone playing with a weather machine again?

  • As I'm editing this to my final draft… My neighborhood was evacuated from the Eaton fires. I have no words, except I TOLD YOU SO. So creepy… 

  • Solar Flares, CME’s, and electromagnetic phenomena increase. 

  • Mental and Psychological breakthroughs will be boosted by Artificial intelligence and tech.  

  • All manner of animals, and how they evolve and adapt not only to mother nature, but to the US, and reveal profound intelligence. We might also see species emerge that were once thought extinct.

  • The continued merging of science with what used to be considered science fiction, we see it already, and it will increase more rapidly.

  • Spirituality and mystical ideas and concepts that were mocked by some, will match modern science and discovery, or begin to connect the dots. 

  • Our fellow man, early humans, elders, and mystics of the past were already tapped into something they didn’t have the vocabulary for.

  • Some of us will return to the ‘old ways’ or bridge the gap between science and spirit.

  • Some of us will run in the opposite direction and try to silence what they are fearful and ignorant of. This can mean politics, religion, self expression, and identity. 

  • The truth in all things will show us  wisdom amidst the illusions and challenges of those who want to keep us afraid, sick, and unaware. 

  • We are in conflict and resolution, waking up and mending fractured systems, and fostering unity. Parallel to the year of 1269 and the Italian Renaissance movement, 2025 is another year of calls for true humanitarian efforts, where the collective turns its attention to what truly matters:

Our Humanity.

Preparing our future generations, instead of shifting blame on the previous. 

2025 will gravitate toward compassion, connection, and sustainability.

The Italian Renaissance sparked a revival of art, science, and humanism, emphasizing the value of individual creativity and classical antiquity. It introduced groundbreaking achievements in painting, sculpture, and architecture (think da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Brunelleschi), advanced scientific inquiry (Galileo), and transformed literature with figures like Dante and Petrarch, setting the foundation for modern Western culture. We are so close to this magical transformation again!

Have you heard this song before?

Click here, the lyrics fit our transition from 2024 into 2025. 

In short: 2025 is the closing chapter of a powerful cycle. 

In my 2024 report I shared: 

The vibration of 8 is a stern teacher, that has watched history repeat itself over and over, and does not want us to get stuck. 

Getting unstuck in 2024 was disruptive, but the outcomes have revealed so much TRUTH. 

And in 2025, that is exactly what we have, and have needed. Facts. Truths. Solutions. Rebelling. Doing what is right. Thinking beyond our lifetime, and the future generations. 

The last year, 2024— we buckled up, survived (some of you flourished) and 2025 is the sign of reward! Questions being answered. Issues being resolved. Blockages being opened & destroyed. Maybe not how you wish or thought, but the push got us out of our hamster wheel. Out of our cage. Made us a little feral, and ready to fight back and grab the life we know we all deserve. 

This really feels like the tower falling, and being rebuilt all in one year.. 

In 2025 be present and each day just do your personal best. 

Take the pause, and let yourself reflect on how valuable your experiences previously have been. 

Show gratitude for the teachers, mentors, and compassionate leaders you find or see. 

Love yourself, exactly where you are, and honestly. 

Embrace the endings, honor the lessons, and accept the weird and wonderful power of letting go, and closing doors. 

You also don’t need to take any of this to heart, and you can do whatever you choose with your life.


May the Spirits Guide you, protect you, and keep you. 

- Z -

zachariah 2025