Buck Moon, Salmon Moon, Thunder Moon.
July 2023 is approaching, and so is the next full moon, with its many names according to the almanac.
But why do these moons have so many names, each month, for every year?
Well, the simplest answer is very much like the explanation of the ‘wheel of the year’.
Every moon, has a name of note, because it helps track the seasons and the significance to the changes therein. By giving each moon a name, we can recall the time of year, and what potential harvest or bounty it brings along with it.
Sometimes there are more than 12 full moons a year, but every moon each month has a name associated with it.
You can find many origins of the names, and their reasoning strewn about the internet.
The most common thread I have found over the years in the Americas, stems from native peoples.
All the farmers of America borrowed these seasonal names and associated them with certain types planting and harvesting for their crops.
As the title of this post states, the Full moon for July is the Buck Moon - because that is when the antlers of the male deer are fully grown. So ideally, this is also the best time for hunting wild game, and storing the meat for the remainder of the year.
As another note, this is usually the FIRST full moon of the summer season, so it has high significance to spells for wishes, and openings.
I am so grateful to the people who walked this earth before me, who studied the seasons, and the changes of time, so I could have a simpler understanding of each month.
Here are a few things you can do for the Full moon of July:
Moon Water Ritual: Place a container of water outside under the moonlight, preferably using a clear glass or a crystal-infused jar. Leave it overnight to charge with the moon's energy. The next day, use the moon water for rituals, cleansing objects, or even as an offering.
Moon Gazing: Sit out under the light of the full moon, and if you cannot do so outside, sit in a large window, and bask in her magic. Absorb her luminescence. You can also hold your stones or crystals, and ask the moon to charge them.
Divination: of course with any full moon, we are pulled more strongly to the power of our psychic abilities, and intuition. Use this time to find resolution and answers to your inner stirrings.
If you are in the mood to plant flowers in the garden, you can plant the following:
Moss Rose
I hope this is insightful to your questions. It definitely surprises me when I find these little tidbits of information.
Be sure to follow my podcast #aroundthecauldron - you can find it HERE
May the spirits guide you, protect you, and keep you!
-ZTW 2023