Five Ways To Celebrate Imbolc
Hello Witches,
Imbolc is a Pagan holiday signaling the beginnings of spring. It was traditionally held on February 1/2, as those dates land about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is the time of the year that promises renewal and hidden potential with the earth awakening and life-force stirring.
Like many Pagan holidays, Imbolc has a Celtic connection. Also known as Brigid’s Day or the Feast of Brigid, (Brighid, Bride, Brigit), festivals are held honoring her to celebrate the arrival of longer, warmer days. Brigid was so loved as a Pagan Goddess, that her worship was woven into the Christian church as St Bridget.
She is a Goddess of healing, poetry and smithing. She is also a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth.
Fire rituals and candle magic are good ways to honor the fire and the return of longer and warmer days.
Reading, writing, or reciting of poetry and celebrating the arts during this time are fantastic ways to honor this holy day.
Clean up your living space - focus on the entire home, or just one specific room. Remember, this sabbath is also about the home and appreciation for life. Nurturing ourselves and our space.
Cook, get crafty in the kitchen, eat beautiful cheeses and indulge in the simple things. Share the goodness of your bounty with family or friends.
If you’d like to specifically honor the goddess Brigid or whomever you associate this day with, reference some books or look up online DIY Brigid’s Cross crafting. It’s a meditative and fun crafting tool. They are also fantastic symbols of warding for good health and protection.
Look for an online event or ritual with others - as this day is also about community! This year I am joining forces with the National Black Hat Society and some other magical people to honor this day. Keep reading below for more information and how to RSVP for free.
Some other Holy Days during this time are: Groundhog’s Day, Candlemas, Februalia, Carnival', Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday, and more! You can see the societal and cultural crossovers that have happened over time within the United States and Europe.
Imbolc is one of the four major "fire" festivals. Therefore, another tradition, as with many Celtic celebrations, is the lighting of fires. Fires celebrated not only the Fire Goddess Brigid, but also recognize the returning power of the sun, a time to celebrate the awakening of the natural world, and a time of cleansing. It is time to let go of the past and to look to the future, clearing out the old, making both outer and inner space for new beginnings.
Presented by the Northern California Black Hat Society, West Charter – National Black Hat Society, Zachariah the Witch – Los Angeles Black Hat Society, and Margie Mack, the Happy Medium.
We welcome you to join us Sunday, January 31st at 4pm(pst) - LIVE on Zoom - as we welcome the 2021 Imbolc with a Ritual and Blessings.
The Northern California Black Hat Society will be doing a short history of Imbolc, including celebrations and rituals you can do at home. As we ‘light the fires” (candles), members of the NorCalBHS will share an Old Norse Paganism blessing to honor Freya for the Disting (or Disablot).
Zachariah the Witch from the Los Angeles Black Hat Society will share his words and wisdom with us as he encourages us to embrace the return of the sun and greet the warmer days to come with a renewed spirit, grace, and gratitude, as we heal the world and each other. Check out his website, podcast, and blog!
Margie Mack, the Happy Medium, will do an Imbolc Tarot spread for us and share her insights for the months ahead. Her Crone wisdom is invaluable, and we welcome her insights!
Tickets to our event are FREE and seating is limited. Please RSVP, share and invite your friends. Tickets must be secured in order to reserve your spot. To those that register, an email will be went out the day of the event with the Zoom link and password to attend.
Tickets may be reserved at
This WILL be on zoom, so please be advised of our Zoom etiquette:
– Please join us with audio & video and remain muted during the event. If you reserve a ticket and then are unable to attend, please relinquish your ticket by emailing the organizers at