The Witch of Hollywood...

Symbolism, aesthetics, vibes, moods.

These are common words in social media posts and in magazine publications, often used as hashtags.


Easy one click solutions.

Or key words to grab a would be fan of CHARMED or Sabrina The Teenage Witch on Netflix.

Yet, I wonder who exactly started gatekeeping and deciding what it means to not only BE a witch, but to LOOK like one. Talk like one. Act like one.

To LIVE as one?

Do all witches speak latin and consort with demons?

Do all witches use google translate to write spells and scream to an imaginary GOD during a thunderstorm on an obscure beach with sorority girls?

I’ve written about an occult ‘prerequisite’ and the terms used to define witches in modern society. I have even shared my disdain for the judgement and hierarchy that comes from self proclaimed covens and practitioners of the craft who steal and adopt other cultures and indigenous practices for their own benefit.

Most recently in a phone conversation with a fellow pagan, we discussed how many seeking witchcraft are also inherently seeking self empowerment and an overall feeling of validation and control.

Some common topics and life experiences that push people towards witchcraft:

  • A history of abuse or trauma, and the recognition of wanting to dissect it. Move past it, and evolve.

  • A history of substance and alcohol addiction via the self or via family/friends.

  • Leaving behind some organized religion due to judgement or control. Example: A former christian turning to witchcraft out of rebellion or self discovery.

  • Being labeled goth, freak, weird, or on the fringe in most social situations, but always having an affinity for the paranormal and supernatural topics.

  • Being queer, gay, femme, butch, etc - anyone in the alphabet mafia.

  • People who resist the patriarchy and racist agendas.

  • A desire to stand up for equality and fight against political and social indifference.

  • An intense interest in the unexplained.

That’s right - people who have seen or lived their lives out of balance, or who have always been deemed “different” are looking to witchcraft or the arcane arts to:


It isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last this theory gets spun by someone like me.

Even the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung stressed the religious importance of our human experience via spiritual means and discovery.

Does this mean everyone needs to be a witch to be awakened to themself?

No. Of course not.

I also don’t entirely know what the draw is in mainstream culture right now to give everyone a conical hat and tell them that they’re witches because they like candles and incense…

If you wish to be a witch.


Do it for yourself.

Don’t do it for validation.

Don’t do it for attention.

Shit, don’t even tell people and just see what happens in your life.

Make it a science experiment!

I know it seems hypocritical of me to write all of this when I have a website, a blog, social media accounts, and I do this for a living… but I also didn’t start out this way.

FOR YEARS I was terrified of embracing my magic. I avoided coming “out of the broom closet” for a long time.

No one told me where to start, but I definitely realized that what was meant for me CAME TO ME. What did not serve my purpose was overwhelmingly difficult and awful, and caused harm. That includes books, tools, people, and places.

Not every witch meditates.

Not every witch is crafty or artistic.

Not every witch has psychic ability or is ‘in tune’ with the spiritual realm.

Many of the gifts and skills of witches come from trial and error. From years of devotion and practice. From falling down and getting back up. Walking away from toxic situations and people. Redefining their life for their own doing.


Just because you don’t have the cliche attributes that Hollywood projects into the world, it does NOT make you any less of a magical and powerful being.

The more you discover about this realm, the more it reveals to you.

I hope you find your center.


Zachariah The Witch.