Metamorphosis - A True Story

There is a story I have yet to tell, from September 2021 that affected me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Every day since this story unfolded, more and more paranormal and spiritual things have appeared in my life, guiding me to my purpose and true potential.

I was so honored to be vulnerable and open and share this story with my friends Tammie & Brice, from the podcast, HOLLYWEIRD PARANORMAL

We discussed the metamorphosis of what happened in my life for the last year, and where I am now, and where I feel I am headed.

Sometimes there are ghosts in our lives that cannot be ignored.

The past can hold onto us, and keep us from growing.

I hope some part of this episode resonates with you:



OR- Hollyweird’s Website HERE

May the spirits guide you, protect you, and keep you.

And please try not to be a piece of shit.
