Six Steps To Ground and Center Yourself

Feeling scattered?

Not sure which way is up or down?

You might need to ground and center yourself!

This is a very basic, and beginner step in keeping yourself CHILL.

I wanted to share these points as a reminder that grounding and centering yourself will keep you in balance within, and keep you from drifting into your own thoughts and albeit negative or harmful patterns.

These are but a few of the many options you have:

  • BREATHE: I cannot stress this enough, but taking a deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth is simple and effective. Trying do this at least five times, or more!

  • COUNTING: Either out loud, or in your mind. The practice of counting numbers up, or down with the pattern of your breath will help you realign your thoughts, and shake mild anxiety triggers.

  • TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES: Putting your bare feet on the ground has many beneficial effects, and will lower stress and your blood pressure.

  • HUG A TREE: This sounds REALLY silly at first, but it has been shown to increase oxytocin

    (the love and bonding hormone) in your bloodstream and can have a calming effect. It has shown scientific potential in the increase of serotonin and dopamine.

  • TAKE A BATH: A warm bath with salt, or epsom salt can quickly dissipate tired muscles, and reduce your blood pressure. This also connects you to the elements of water and earth. Plus, maybe you haven’t bathed in a few days- TREAT YOURSELF RIGHT.

  • LEARN MINDFULNESS TECHNIQUES: Not complicated for most, but also takes practice. Many psychologists, and physicians have been touting the benefits of meditation via mindfulness techniques since the 1980’s. Yes, for over thirty years!

Maybe these will work for you, or maybe these won’t. As I stated, this is a short list.

Please understand that methods like these do not have any guaranteed effect on someone who has PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, or other symptoms I have no business giving advice about.

I am not a physician or a psychologist!

Yet, as someone who has struggled with depression and other emotional issues, I DO understand the importance of trying everything possible to combat these (sometimes) crippling feelings.

These are but a FEW of the methods you can utilize to ground and center yourself.

I advise you to make these practices a part of your daily routine, and I often ask my clients if they are actively meditating or centering themselves. It really does work the more you implement it into your life.

So whenever you feel yourself ‘floating’ and wanting to come back to earth - try these!


Zachariah The Witch