Social Media Isn't Very, SOCIAL...


These are stream of consciousness thoughts I had while meditating on the topic of social media, and mainstream media as an entity. Or a living ‘force’.

I will be ‘practicing what I preach’ and taking time off from socials and only working with scheduled clients.

I will also be focusing on some personal goals and milestones in the next few months, because I deserve it.


We are all dying to LIVE.

To live longer.

To sustain life.

To slow down aging.

Dying to be seen.

Feeling and watching what was once familiar, turn into a physical form of nostalgia.

We yearn for ‘better times’.

Neglecting that we, ourselves can be better, in time.

WITH time.

Death and dying shifts us away from the things that do no matter.

Things like misplaced importance, false idols that propel us toward egotism and bigotry.

We fear death, because it is something we often face alone.

Being alone means we are reminded of our individuality, and ALL the mistakes and shortcomings.

We feign these aspects, and try to smother them.

We cancel each other.

Instead of building each other up, and repairing and mending.

We lack the intentional conviction to check in, and check up on our friends and peers.

We assume that the world they are sharing in social media is a reflection of their mental and emotional state.

This is all a game, and you are being sucked right into it.

You are playing the Information Age, right to the grave.

Disconnect to reconnect.

Let it die.

It has more power, because you continue feeding it, over and over.

Nostalgia for false dreams, and warped realities.

-ztw 2022


  • Better Sleep patterns, and less stress! There are associations with staring into the white/blue light of a screen, and the effects it can have on your circadian rhythm. Don’t stare at the screen(s) at least 30 minutes before you’re going to bed!

  • More time and focus on things that you’ve been wanting to do, or feel you’ve been neglecting. You know this one rings true.. I have found myself going down a rabbit hole on social media, and then when I look at the clock, over an hour passed… not good.

  • You make an effort to really connect with living, breathing and present moments, and people. Try taking the chance on really chatting with someone, instead of stalking or obsessing over their online presence. If you miss someone, TELL THEM. Leave a voicemail. Write a letter.

  • Lastly, I like this one - I REALLY really really love to read. I have shelves of books that i’ve read over the years, and every time I take a break from being online or on a device, I find myself flourishing in creative worlds, and even getting inspired to write more.

  • You deserve good food, good sleep, good amounts of sunlight, and happiness. Do not base your life around the pretense of overly edited and filtered photos, videos, and identities. If anything.

  • Oh- and follow me on instagram - Ha ha ha ha ha! @zachariahthewitch

