A Few Things to Prepare Before You Get a Reading:
If you are a repeat customer, or someone with a curious heart and mind about divination, here are my tips as to how you can best prepare for your session!
If the reading is a phone or video call; Find an area that is quiet, where you will have little to no interruption. This is about you, and you alone. You should treat it with some importance, and respect.
Prepare some questions ahead of time, or as I ask my clients “What is your area of focus?” - So, essentially, think about what you need to investigate. If you don’t know, or you are uncertain, let that be known right away in the session. Most clients are seeking validation, advice, or a third party perspective about live, career, love, and so on.
DO NOT feed information to your reader or psychic. Beforehand, or during your session. I say this, mostly for your sake, and to help you avoid the charlatans and phony baloney types out there. A good practitioner will have a structure and a method that helps them navigate how to relay and receive information.
Take notes, ask to record the session, or if the reader provides that, and go in with an investigative mind. Sometimes you’d be surprised how much you might learn about yourself or something that was right in front of your face the whole time.
If you have a great experience, and you walk away with useful/helpful insights.. give yourself time to process all the information. Don’t come back every few days or every few weeks - wait and see how the dust settles, and see what life puts in front of you before you make a return to get a follow up reading. (I know it’s probably bad for business, but I’d rather be honest).
Tip the person for their service if you think it was stellar, or write a review, or refer a friend. OR do all of these, because essentially, you are usually supporting a small business, or someone who has been building the skill of divination for years. It doesn’t come easy for a lot of us.
Remember, during the holidays we try to make resolutions, find answers, and things can get really emotional. Give yourself space , and don’t over exert yourselves!
Happy Yule Witches!
And, don’t be a piece of shit.
-ZTW 2021