Five Tips toward a Better You
A list of five things i’ve picked up over the years that have helped me maintain the course.
Destroy the notion that “what could have been is the only way”.- The more you live in the past of what you yearned for, and couldn’t achieve previously, with the resources you had from that time - the more you continue to repeat harmful cycles and limit your growth. Who you thought you were a year or two ago isn’t always the truth pertaining to what your full potential is.
When you allow frustration to rule you, you miss out on real opportunities, and your true potential. You short yourself.
No one person is going to love you so much that it makes you stop hating, mistreating, or disliking yourself. It is your own obligation to take care of YOU, and to make damn sure you like the person you see in the mirror.
Each day we live, is another opportunity to be better, and better. Be grateful.
Forgiveness is something that people can earn, or you can choose to give them. Holding resentment in your heart is toxic, so make sure you forgive yourself , even if something was not your fault. Fill that space with a promise of self love and respect.
And a couple freebies that I try to follow, especially during the last few years…
Always maintain your dignity.
Don’t be a piece of shit.
Sometimes we don’t know how to love ourselves, because we have never experienced healthy and balanced examples of love. I see a lot of people struggle with self acceptance, because they were always criticized or put down. They got stuck in a perpetual cycle of only allowing familiar feelings, and emotional or mental abuse, because it’s all that they were used to..
I am grateful to have been a witness to so many beautiful people emerge from the cocoon, and have their ‘aha!’ moment. To have a bright awakening to themselves.
May the spirits guide you, protect you, and keep you.
-ZTW 2021