A Helpful Spirit
“Such flames fuel me,
and hurt me not.
For gentle is the touch,
of loving hands with magic.”
- Claire Estevez
Physicians treat the body.
Psychologists treat the mind.
Who heals the heart or the spirit?
The spaces in between those realms are the metaphysical.
We are responsible for our inner working and the balance of ourselves.
Fear & anxiety triggers have a distinctive non physical quality that induces stress.
The healing of fear and stress begins with our ability to discern that other people, and other things are not the root of everything associated with our blocks.
How and why we react to stress , and knowing our patterns is a good baseline place to begin.
The “uncertainty principle” by Werner Heisenberg:
-the principle that the momentum and position of a particle cannot both be precisely determined at the same time.
- when we begin to look inward ;we cannot always know what the end result of our progress will be.
- when we push to meet agendas, and deadlines that are not in alignment with the resources that we have within us we cannot measure where we will be. Or end up..
- stress is no more dependent upon the existence of the brain than a musician is dependent upon the existence of his violin, both instruments are necessary for expression in the physical world.
• I chose the image of a “helpful spirit“ to remind myself that sometimes even my own wishes and desires can be psychosomatic.
- all I know in truth, is where I was yesterday compared to where I am today.
The mantra I practice often is:
I am so grateful for the opportunities that are headed my way, and I expect to achieve great things. However, I will be present, and allow whatever needs to happen, happen.
- now I’m going to go back to talking to this genie…
Don’t be a piece of shit.
-ztw 2021