Mercury in Retrograde?
Listen, I’ll probably get flack for this from TikTok & instagram astrologers, and content creators, but In regards to #mercuryretrograde :
I never have bad things or the typical fear-mongering mythos type stuff occur during retrograde.
There’s also discussion about the following things occurring:
Technology on the fritz, and malfunctioning (internet, phones, emails, etc)
Bad communication, arguments, and disputes between friends and colleagues.
Old enemies, exes, and former friends coming back from the past.
Laziness, and plans not following through.
Travel disruptions
That’s a pretty hefty list of responsibilities to throw onto little ole’ mercury ya’ll.
Maybe I thrive in #chaos, but I definitely pay attention more to what I’ve ignored. During retrograde, or just in general when it seems like I’m floating around on auto-pilot.
I also have learned to welcome and allow new perspectives, and to revisit old conversations that need amending. Sure, I don’t want to talk to an ex, but maybe it’s necessary to clear the air?
Why are people so afraid of having to communicate, just because a planet is retrograde. It’s silly.
Mercury//Hermes//Loki//Coyote and others, are tricksters too, and sometimes we heal the most by laughing at ourselves.
Or we see the truth, when we are made the fool.
Our ego gets knocked down a peg, and we humble ourselves to change and transformation.
Maybe communication is disjointed and different, because your attention needs to be somewhere else.
My patron deities are shapeshifters and tricksters, death and rebirth teachers, so I’m sharing from experience.
Use this time to stop having expectations, and embrace what IS.
Remember too, this retrograde cycle isn’t an excuse for shitty behavior either.
Stop being crybabies, and hold yourselves accountable for what you’ve brought into the world.
Mercury is sick of your shit.
-ZTW 2022