Year in Review 2022 = The Power of SIX.
A NEW YEAR has arrived.
Previously, In 2021 , as I said in my former "Year in Review" it offered several revelations.
We learned about the resilience of our emotions and psyche.
We learned about the depth of our humanity.
We witnessed more corruption, and political/corporate control globally and locally.
We saw our own identity being shaken, and shifted.
Yet, the energy of 2021 was true.
2+0+2+1 = 5
In numerology, 5 Is the number of Expansion, Learning, Tolerance, and Flexibility.
This number teaches us the depth of our own humanity and sympathy.
It is also the number of liberation and freedom of self.
While, we DID liberate ourselves from personal conflicts and setbacks, and are still here.
Holding those accountable, who needed the cosmic slap!
So, What does 2022 tell us?
Our perceptions have truly changed, and so has the world.
In fact, many would agree that nothing will ever be the same...
Not all is lost!
Now here in 2022, we see the keywords :
Harmony, Responsibility, Service, Balance and Truth.
Going forward -
2022 Will reveal to us the commitments we make to ourselves, to others, and to the collective of our communities, families, and places we reside.
It shows us what holds substance, and if we ignore it, it will irritate us or push us towards drastic outcomes to change it.
Six is the number of perception, and in an energetic sense, it represents the brow chakra, and our internal voice.
If we are not in alignment with our higher calling or purpose, we will feel fuzzy, confused, and irritable.
The number 6, which is what 2+2+2 creates, is both a masculine and feminine number through its expression. Combining elements of air and earth.
Here we will see communication shifts, and perhaps even a change in our own geography.
This Year is showing us how to meet and fulfill our needs, by seeing where we can assist and help others along the path.
Balance is key here, and if we lack it - we will see it like 'instant karma' many times over.
The 2's in 2022 symbolize connection, partnership, duality and unions.
The 0 in 2022 symbolizes rebirth, chaos, and portals or gateways.
I discern that 2022 will show us what true connections, partnerships,we have and where our loyalties lie.
We will witness our interpersonal & intrapersonal become a target area in our lives.
Taking note of the necessity and value of each.
This will of course ripple into larger areas or demographics involving policy, ethics, morals, and obligations.
2022 = 6, which is symbolized by VIRGO and the planet VULCAN.
We're going to be very meticulous with our relationships to THE SELF, TO OTHERS, and TO THE WORLD.
In Tarot - 2022 is symbolized by 'The Lovers' - Representing the union of opposing energies, and new opportunities for growth.
Yes, and even for more committed or serious LOVE in all forms.
So you might begin to see family or friends get back into dating, or even finding more potential suitors.
I believe that 2022 and its numerology remind us of the importance of abstract thinking, trusting our sixth sense or intuition, and focusing on our own personal happiness to establish more peace within our world.
Remember, if you want to know how each year will affect you , add together your birth date, month, and year, and then break them down into a single digit number.
This is called your LIFE PATH.
Once you have your life path, you add it to the current year (2022).
Break that down into a single digit number, and there you will have the influencing energy of your personal year.
IF this is too confusing, or unclear there’s also numerology calculators and things you can search for easily via the internet, OR you can book a reading with me on my website .
Be good to yourselves this year.
Create habits and routines that bring you more peace and balance.
And try not to be a piece of shit.
Happy New Year!