Walpurgisnacht April 30th / May 1st.

Believed to be another evening when the veil between the living and the dead thins.

Walpurgisnacht originated in Northern Europe.

I could write about the origins of canonizing a saint, and the holy oil that people collect for her, but I don’t feel like glorifying another catholic saint.

This night to ME, has always been about lighting a bonfire, connecting with ancestors, and appreciating all the witches and magical ones who came before to light the path to illumination.

It’s also a reminder that spring is stronger, more palpable.

New growth and new life force is building!

So, whether this night is truly about witches and demonic forces gathering around a mountain, or about some saint who helped the sick - I think it’s valid to state that traditions are inherently what you make of them.

I appreciate the church of Satan’s idea to celebrate this evening as:

“A day to honor those that were victimized by superstition”